Wednesday, March 19, 2008

They're all Cowards!

Today as I was out walking the pup, I met up with another volunteer walker. We stopped to chat about the dogs, and volunteering, somehow we ended up talking about the history of dog she was walking. He is a beautiful shepherd xcross, who is lively and affectionate. And unfortunately seems to have been the victim of abuse. When he walks, one of his hind legs doesn't move quite right (could it be that he was kicked there???), also, if you raise your hand quickly, he cowers. On one of his hind legs, he has nipped all the hair away.


How can anyone who claims to be human, ever stoop to hurting an animal that asks nothing more from you than food, a place to live and your love. An animal who will fight to the death to save your life, an animal who is willing to work...on a farm, visiting the elderly in hospitals, leading the blind, whatever, a friend who will NEVER judge you.

Here's another one. In the newspapers today, there is a story of horses on a farm near Rockey Mountain House, Alberta being found starved to death. More than a dozen I believe it said. A NOTE TO THE OWNER...HEY ASSHOLE, IF YOU COULDN'T AFFORD TO KEEP THE HORSES, SELL THEM!!!!

I wonder what kind of punishment the farmer with the horses will receive. A slap on the wrist? a fine and being banned from ever owning an animal again? That sentence would be TOO LIGHT! Willfull manslaughter! Murder! Anything but a slap on the wrist. Even better..starve him, take him close to death, feed him only enough to save his life and do it again and again. Break him. He deserves it for what de did.

Now, I know, some people would say turn the other cheek. How many times do we need to turn it, since turning it hasn't stopped the problem. How many more times do we let the bullies get away with it, when DO WE STAND UP AND FIGHT?

I personally would like to introduce both the farmer in Rocky Mountain House, and the person who hurt the dog to Miss Right Fist, Miss Left Fist and this 2x4.

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