Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sierra Trails and Angels

Another day, another walk in the forest. My beloved shelter pup and I were off once again to conquer the wilderness.

The path starts off at creek level

The trail runs for about half an hour on level ground, then begins to climb into a canyon

Higher and higher it climbs,

eventually reaching 150 feet above the creek

Yes, that's the creek very tiny at the bottom. Sierra & I were were a few feet from the edge so I could take the picture. She was sniffing around, not really paying attention to where she was going. I got worried she would get too close to the edge and fall, it's a sheer drop of around 100 feet to the bottom. So I put my camera away and tried to pull her bak to the trail. I KNOW there were no clouds or mist when I took that picture, I think I would've noticed . Looks like someone else was worried about us too.

I absolutely believe in angels and guardians. Thank heavens we are never truly alone.

Thank you!

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