Sunday, March 16, 2008

Dog Day Sunday

Introducing, Sierra!

What a great day. I started volunteering for my local animal shelter a few weeks ago, as a dog walker. I've walked the same beautiful dog about 15 times now. I can't understand why she is still up for adoption, maybe it's because she's so big.

At any rate, I took her for a walk today for 1 1/2 hours in the forest. We have tons of forest paths here that are all off-leash areas. In the summer I guess we might have to watch for bears and cougars, but right now there are only coyotes around.

If you don't believe me, this is the area we walk in:

There is a creek, which is more like a river that the trails run on both sides of.
You'd never know it, but there are houses within a 10 minute walk all the way along the trails.

Sierra loves the water, she doesn't seem to care how deep or fast it runs. She almost pulled me in last week. It was pretty funny seeing me standing on a rock, trying not to follow her into the drink. Of course she can't figure out what my problem is.

I discovered something new about her today...she loves to chase squirrels. She pulled me a good 3 feet before I was able to grab her collar and get her under control. Again, she couldn't figure out what the problem was. Of course, now I'm nursing a really sore shoulder.

We have such a great time together, I wish I could adopt her, but the building I'm in doesn't allow pets. Guess I just have to save my money & get rich, or moderately well-off. That way I can move out of this apt. and into a house, and adopt her.

Her presence in my life has meant so much for me. Just being with her is so calming, and she definately has the ability to make me laugh. I hope I've done her some good too.

If I could ask anyone to do just one'd be, GO WALK A DOG. Yours, or from a shelter, but go walk one.

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