Wednesday, May 7, 2008

T - 3 and Counting

Oh Boy!!! only 3 days left, then Sierra officially joins my family. I'm soooo excited! I haven't been able to see her at the shelter for 2 days, driving me nuts. Work really gets in the way of life sometimes. At least when she goes to my parent's place I know she'll get lots of attention and walks. It'll be so great to share a place with her. One of my collegues said; "yup, only three more days til you get a big smelly roommate". SIERRA DOESN'T SMELL!!!! Ok, she is big, but even for a shelter pup, she doesn't smell. Oddly enough, her comment could be said about a few guys I know...I mean if I was dating any of them.

I think I'm all ready for her. I've gotten everything she'll need, and the love & hugs I have in abundance.

Still haven't found a town house. I keep being told conflicting stories...wait and the prices will go down, wait & the prices will go up... don't know who to believe. I think they will level out, but not go down exactly. Maybe building will slow down.

Who knows.