Thursday, March 27, 2008

What Customer Service???

I walked into McDonalds this evening to get a bite to eat. I walk up and ask for a McRib meal with a diet Coke to go. Just like that. The young girl behind the counter says: The McRib??...What do you want to drink with that? I answer: A DIET COKE. She follows with: Do you want that to eat in? AARRGG!!!! Now I KNOW I distinctly told her my order when I walked in...How difficult is this???? Where the hell is the customer service?

When I was a kid and working at a fast food place, we were expected to remember the order. It's not just at McDonalds, it happens at alot of places. Why aren't they teaching kids properly?

There's also this problem these days of the clerk NOT making eye contact to let you know they know you're there and will be right with you. A while ago, I walk into a Chevron station, the clerk is helping someone, there is NO ONE else there. I wait in line. The clerk doesn't look at me, doesn't acknowledge me. Another person comes in, doesn't line up properly, finally the clerk finishes with the person in front of me, then has the gaul to ask "who's next?". COME ON!!!! WHAT KIND OF AN IDIOT ARE YOU??

I wonder if proper customer service will ever come back? When people actually said Hi when you walked in, knew who was in their store, could actually count the change back without the use of the computer.

Oh, that reminds me...What the hell are schools teaching these days. If a kid can't count up or down the change without a computer, I'd say their education is sadly lacking. Case in point, at another fast food place, I purchased a meal, and the computer suddenly quit, the young clerk paniced because she didn't know how much change to give me. HMMM!!! It's on the receipt, at least how much money I gave her and how much money the bill was, so FIGURE IT OUT!!!!!! It's just pathetic.

OK, I'm not great at math, but I can add and subtract!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Waiting Starts

Well, I've been looking for a place for myself & my beloved shelter pup. I've had a few possibilities, and I'm making an appointment to see one place that allows dogs.

I wonder when Canada will get with the rest of the world and allow dogs in all apartments & condos. I mean, if you pay $300,000.00 or $500,000.00 for an apartment or condo, who has the right to tell you can't have a domestic pet of your choice. You pay a HALF a MILLION dollars, and someone says; "Oh, no pets...or cats only" . What B.S.

I went to see 'my girl' today. What a sweetie. I was talking with the Animal Welfare Officer about Sierra and apparently they had even put an ad in the newspaper for her. No one has taken her yet. And she is the sweetest dog, intelligent, well behaved, loving. And she's pretty darn cute too. Oh well, other peoples' loss is my gain. I picked up the adoption application today.

I know one of these possibilities will pan out, I hope it's the condo. Then at least I will own it...ok, me and the bank for a number of years, but still.

Wish Me Luck

Monday, March 24, 2008

Dogs are the Best!

Today I didn't get a chance to see my beloved pup. Man was that hard. To go the full day...and not go out for our walk. Tomorrow I'll call a couple of places to see about the availability of some rental or rent-to-own places. Somewhere there's a place Sierra and I can move into.

It's amazing how much of an effect an animal can have a person. They certainly grab onto your heart.

I wish more companies would allow dogs at work, they do so much. They are so calming. Of course the onus is on the owner (I know, bad choice of words) to clean up after the pup, and keep it from harming anyone. But if the dog is socialized, there usually isn't any problem. Oh, yeah and pups are more than willing to keep your feet matter how bad they stink.

I really wonder why apartments tend to allow cats but not dogs. As far as I'm concerned, cats are more destructive than dogs. When a cat is let out at night (or during the day), who picks up after them? They are never on a leash or under control from ruining a persons lawn, or hunting the birds at the bird feeder you have at your home. Oh, and not many burglers are afraid of the house cat. Have a dog in your home or yard, and burglers will think twice. A dog is almost always on a leash, someone always picks up after it, the dog is almost always supervised, and won't shred the drapes or scratch the crap out of the furniture. I think it's high time dogs were given as much rights to apartments as cats. And to people who own cats....pick up after them.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Oh Happy Day!!

This morning I called the shelter to see if Sierra was still there and if she could go out for a walk. I was worried because yesterday a family had looked at her. But my pup was there, eagerly awaiting me.

I was really sad last night, and I knew I had to do something to find a new place to live, so I could adopt her first. I phoned a collegue because he told me at one time that the complex he lives in allows pets, but also, I may be able to get into a rent-to-own situation, or, he knew someone else who wants a tenant for a basement suite. The suite has it's own entry and access to the yard. So I prayed and prayed last night for Sierra to still be at the shelter (I had tears in my eyes when I called and she was there). I admit it, I love that pooch. And yes, I'd move to accommodate adopting her!

When I went to get her, I told the shelter people about it, so hopefully they won't show her to anyone else. Unfortunately, I can't make any calls until Tuesday (Mon. being a holiday for alot of people), and believe me, it can't come soon enough.

Next, I need to get the puppy goodies...sleeping mat, chew toys, etc. I plan to put her on the bones and raw food diet, so I need the book Give Your Dog a Bone. Also, I think I'll need to start buying the magazine Fido Friendly. It's all about places you can travel where dogs are welcome.

I'm so excited. I feel like nothing can stop me now.

Sierra's been a good incentive for me to move. I've hated where I live for a really long time now. Every year I say "I gotta move out, I've gotta find somewhere better", and I've been here RENTING, for 21 years!!!! So now I have more reasons for moving than just for me.

I hope I can get into a rent-to-own, I know these are hard to find, but it would be perfect and at least I would own it...eventually.

Wish Me Luck