Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Waiting Starts

Well, I've been looking for a place for myself & my beloved shelter pup. I've had a few possibilities, and I'm making an appointment to see one place that allows dogs.

I wonder when Canada will get with the rest of the world and allow dogs in all apartments & condos. I mean, if you pay $300,000.00 or $500,000.00 for an apartment or condo, who has the right to tell you can't have a domestic pet of your choice. You pay a HALF a MILLION dollars, and someone says; "Oh, no pets...or cats only" . What B.S.

I went to see 'my girl' today. What a sweetie. I was talking with the Animal Welfare Officer about Sierra and apparently they had even put an ad in the newspaper for her. No one has taken her yet. And she is the sweetest dog, intelligent, well behaved, loving. And she's pretty darn cute too. Oh well, other peoples' loss is my gain. I picked up the adoption application today.

I know one of these possibilities will pan out, I hope it's the condo. Then at least I will own it...ok, me and the bank for a number of years, but still.

Wish Me Luck

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