Thursday, March 27, 2008

What Customer Service???

I walked into McDonalds this evening to get a bite to eat. I walk up and ask for a McRib meal with a diet Coke to go. Just like that. The young girl behind the counter says: The McRib??...What do you want to drink with that? I answer: A DIET COKE. She follows with: Do you want that to eat in? AARRGG!!!! Now I KNOW I distinctly told her my order when I walked in...How difficult is this???? Where the hell is the customer service?

When I was a kid and working at a fast food place, we were expected to remember the order. It's not just at McDonalds, it happens at alot of places. Why aren't they teaching kids properly?

There's also this problem these days of the clerk NOT making eye contact to let you know they know you're there and will be right with you. A while ago, I walk into a Chevron station, the clerk is helping someone, there is NO ONE else there. I wait in line. The clerk doesn't look at me, doesn't acknowledge me. Another person comes in, doesn't line up properly, finally the clerk finishes with the person in front of me, then has the gaul to ask "who's next?". COME ON!!!! WHAT KIND OF AN IDIOT ARE YOU??

I wonder if proper customer service will ever come back? When people actually said Hi when you walked in, knew who was in their store, could actually count the change back without the use of the computer.

Oh, that reminds me...What the hell are schools teaching these days. If a kid can't count up or down the change without a computer, I'd say their education is sadly lacking. Case in point, at another fast food place, I purchased a meal, and the computer suddenly quit, the young clerk paniced because she didn't know how much change to give me. HMMM!!! It's on the receipt, at least how much money I gave her and how much money the bill was, so FIGURE IT OUT!!!!!! It's just pathetic.

OK, I'm not great at math, but I can add and subtract!

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