Monday, March 24, 2008

Dogs are the Best!

Today I didn't get a chance to see my beloved pup. Man was that hard. To go the full day...and not go out for our walk. Tomorrow I'll call a couple of places to see about the availability of some rental or rent-to-own places. Somewhere there's a place Sierra and I can move into.

It's amazing how much of an effect an animal can have a person. They certainly grab onto your heart.

I wish more companies would allow dogs at work, they do so much. They are so calming. Of course the onus is on the owner (I know, bad choice of words) to clean up after the pup, and keep it from harming anyone. But if the dog is socialized, there usually isn't any problem. Oh, yeah and pups are more than willing to keep your feet matter how bad they stink.

I really wonder why apartments tend to allow cats but not dogs. As far as I'm concerned, cats are more destructive than dogs. When a cat is let out at night (or during the day), who picks up after them? They are never on a leash or under control from ruining a persons lawn, or hunting the birds at the bird feeder you have at your home. Oh, and not many burglers are afraid of the house cat. Have a dog in your home or yard, and burglers will think twice. A dog is almost always on a leash, someone always picks up after it, the dog is almost always supervised, and won't shred the drapes or scratch the crap out of the furniture. I think it's high time dogs were given as much rights to apartments as cats. And to people who own cats....pick up after them.

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