Saturday, May 3, 2008

T -7 and Counting

7 More days, only 7 more days and my beloved shelter pup officially becomes part of my family.

I don't think I could possibly find the words to describe how excited and happy I am about it.

Today I went out and bought her a new leash and collar, funky blue with a wave design. Pretty cool. Also, went to get her licensed for the city she's going to be living in (at least until I find a place to buy). Now she has two 'charms' for her 'necklace'. The license and a chrome bone with her name and my phone number on it. Very cute.

We went out for a walk today on our usual trail, and went past a dog, that just wanted to take her out. Didn't smell her, didn't look more than once, and immediately was aggressive. At first the dog wasn't on a leash, but as soon as it's guardian saw a big dog on a leash coming towards them, he immediately put his on one as well. Kudos to him for knowing his dog well enough to prevent an attack.

Unlike a woman and her VERY (underline, put in bold) aggressive dog. Sierra and I were just starting our walk, and we come upon 3 people and a dog. Dog's not on a leash, it's pooing on the trail, the female guardian isn't picking it up. The dog barely finished pooing and it was already running at Sierra and attacking her neck. I pulled Sierra away (she will defend herself, but not attack), the dog kept coming at her, and it's guardians finally got it under control. I ask the woman if her dog is that aggressive with every dog it meets, she says; "No, it's ok" . LIKE HELL IT'S OK!!!! Then she askes if we are walking onwards (DUH!), so I say; " Yes, and we're coming back too!" As Sierra and I continued down the trail, I kept looking back to see if she picked up after the dog or put it on a leash. No on both accounts. I had my cell with me and was ready to call the shelter to tell them about this vicious unleashed dog. Now I wish I had done that.

Thank goodness they weren't still on the trail on the way back.
Oh, and Sierra was ok. She's good at protecting herself.
Oh, and nothing on the town house front yet. I'm amazed at the price some people are asking for their mostly run-down homes. Why would I want to pay $350,000 for something that needs at least $50,000 in renos? Guess I'll just have to keep looking.
Wish Me Luck.

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