Monday, April 28, 2008

T -12 and Counting

Wow, 12 days left. Then Sierra officially joins the family. I can't even begin to describe how excited I am. How much joy she brings to me. We went for a walk on Sunday even though it was raining. A light rain though. It was a little muggy, but there were still alot of people on the trail.

In the middle of the walk, one of my headaches hit me. I told Sierra I needed to slow down and find a place to sit. She automatically slowed down, and stopped at the first bench we came to. Yes, we're that connected.

It's really hard to take her back to the shelter after the walks. She looks at me it now? are we going home now??. And I have to tell her how many more days it is.

Still haven't found a place to buy yet. I keep getting the feeling that the 1st of June is significant. Either I find a place, or buy one.

I'm also looking forward to the day I can take her to work with me, even if it's just for a few hours. That would be one of the most perfect work situations.

I would love to write more, but it's getting late and if I go to bed now, T - 11 comes quicker.

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