Sunday, May 11, 2008

Adoption Day + 2

Wow, so much has happened since yesterday. Sierra officially became a memeber of my family yesterday at 11:15am. I was sooooo excited, so was she. She was in a playpen with another dog, and when she saw me she went nuts. I went to get the kennel attendant and fill out the final paper work, it was great, they were all so happy for me.

We went to get Sierra. I had the new leash, collar and harness for her which she sniffed and, not finding any other dog scent on them, became even more excited. She was incredibly patient as I put everything on her, and started to lead her out. She thought we were going for a walk, so, after a few minutes of convincing her, she finally understood that she was going for a car ride. I thought she was happy before, but now... WOW! Of course I was grinning ear to ear too.

Next up was a 3 hour appointment at the groomers. I took her for the full-meal-deal at PetSmart. They were really great with her. When I explained that I literally just got her out of 'the pen', and didn't want her to think I was just leaving her somewhere else, they agreed (against policy) to allow me to accommpany Sierra. So there I was, sitting on the floor in front of her kennel, reading a book and trying to keep her calm.

She did so well, I was really proud of her. I'm amazed at how loud it is in there though. I mean, all the machines they use are noisy. No wonder I see dogs scared at places like these. Sierra liked the bath (once she got used to the spray nozzle), and put up with the drier. I think what bothered me most about the entire procedure was the air nozzles they use when drying them in the kennel. It's so noisy. But also, when they started up, Sierra got scared and looked at me like I was gassing her. I almost started to cry. Holding back the tears I kept talking quietly to her and even put my hand in front of the nozzel, just to see how much it was blowing.

After the drying, it came time to clip her nails, which she didn't mind at all. Then a massage and brushing. All in all it was a learning experience for me, successful, but still kind of upsetting. Might try washing her myself next time. Now that WILL be an experience.

We drove out to my parents place next, they are fostering her until I find a place to buy, she was so happy to be in a home. Followed me everywhere. Snuggled alot too.

My parents love her, my niece and nephew too. Sierra was so good, although her 'sit, stay' skills are lacking a bit. I think it's just because of the excitement of being in a new place and wanting to be close to everyone.

There is so much more to this story, a stormy night, Sierra's anxiety, 1am pee break, growling at unfamilliar noises, restlessness, the need to protect all of us....and so on. Neither she nor I slept.

Then, my leaving her at my parents place today, me crying, she upset and trying to follow...I've never had seperation anxiety before. When I got home, I called my parents and they put Sierra's ear to the phone so I could talk to her. Told her I loved her and I would see her on Thursday night (something I had tried to explain for the past 2 days), and to be good. Mom said she was listening. I think she understood because I called back a few hours later to see how she was, and apparently she was sleeping calmly on the floor near my Mom.

What a day Saturday was. I think this will have to be a 2-parter. I'm too tired to write any more.

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