Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sunday thoughts

So here I am, at the computer with so many things flying through my head. News of the week: is it ok for a Dad to mercy kill his severely sick daughter?, is it ok for a 41 year old man to have sex with a 15 year old girl and not be held accountable?

I don't really have an opinion one way or the other about mercy killings, although if I was in the position of having no qualilty of life, I'd rather be put out of my misery, than be kept alive. If I can't move, eat, speak, or do anything on my own, for me it would be kind of like being in a prison, a life sentence without having committed a crime.

Now, about the 41 year old man having sex with a 15 year old girl. This one gets me so riled. If this girl were to commit a crime, she can't be mentioned because of the young offenders act, she would NOT be considered an adult, she is NOT allowed to buy alcohol or cigarettes because she is NOT considered an adult BY LAW. And yet, this 41 year old man can argue that the age of consent for sex is something like 14 or 15. Who made this law anyways???? a pedofile?? If it's ok for her to consent to sex at 15, and be held accountable for whatever happens, then maybe the young offenders act age should be lowered to...10 lets say. Try everyone over 11 as an adult. Don't try and tell me that a 15 year old boy is less responsible for his actions than a 15 year old girl. Oh yeah...and the age itself should give it away FIFTEEN, emphasis on the TEEN part. Teen does not mean Adult.

Oh and then, I think it was this week that an international child porn ring was busted. It had something like over 1,200 members world wide. Where does this sort of thing come from? I mean what goes through a persons head when they are raping a child???? I've been told it's all about power. There has to be something we as a society can do to stop this sort of thing from happening, I don't mean bigger task forces, I mean finding out where it comes from psycologically. I know alot of people say, oh well, he/she had a hard life. GET REAL alot of people have had a hard life and lived through more crap than some of these people and yet they turned out ok. Sorry, but I truely believe you have made a conscious decision when you do something like hurt a's your decision, no one elses, you have the power to stop....maybe they are just too cowardly.

If you can guess from this post, that I was abused as a child, well, you're right. I laugh when people say that abuse is more prevelant today than it was when I was a child. My best friend growing up was also abused. It was just as prevelant, we just didn't talk about it, were encouraged not to talk about it. Oh, by the way I turned out alright. Sure I was angry and was ready to do myself harm, but I never once thought of harming anyone else. Guess that's why I have no sympathy for those who claim that they had a hard life, or society made them do it. I figure GROW UP, take responsibility for your actions. Or are they too scared??

I'd be interested to hear from others. Where do you think child abuse stems from? Is it ingrained like a predatory response,? all about power? Can we come up with some sort of early screening and should it be made mandatory? Is it simply a chemical imbalance?


Anonymous said...

I too would like our society to find out what causes people to become pedofiles. In the show 20/20 did called a whole series
"to catch a preditor" What I noticed most from this is that the men (happened to be men only in this study) all of them came from various walks of life. They were young, middle aged, old, they were pizza boys, doctors, lawyers, teacher, you name it! What is causing this??? We really need to find out and stop it!

Myrna said...

I think it's great that these investigative TV programs are willing to tackle this sensitive subject, but I really wish they would also investigate female pedophiles. Unfortunately, too many men and women are ashamed to admit to having been molested by a woman when they were a child. I keep hearing that its really rare for a woman to be the molester, but how do we really know when no one will come forward? So, let me be the first: I was molested by a woman.